We celebrate our faith by, praising God, serving Christ, and loving others!
We celebrate our faith by, praising God, serving Christ, and loving others!
25 Church Street, Livermore Falls, Maine 04254, United States
Call us at (207) 500-2357
Just click the Facebook link at the top of the page.
We had nearly three hundred kids at our trunk or treat!
We sold all our available tables for our craft fair!
Every month we decide on a category of food to donate to our local Food Cupboard. This month, January, we will be collecting crackers. In February, we'll collect cereal. Though any kind of food will be accepted.
Once a month we open our Soap N' More store to our community to give away hygiene and household necessities. Their is also a fair share of free clothes, toys, and other items donated by others in the community.
This month the Soap N' More Store will be open January 25th from 9 am to noon.
While some of our church family runs the Soap N More store downstairs, others are providing free lunches upstairs.
The free lunch is being served in the vestry, starting at 11 am.
Our Annual Meeting is January 19th. There will be a potluck meal before the meeting begins.
We have Adult Sunday School every Sunday before service at 9:30 am in the vestry. Last Sunday we had 14 people attend!
Every Wednesday we have a bible study here at our church at 10 am.
After the fun part of the service, the singing, the children's message, and praying all the kids go upstairs to Sunday School, led by Becky, our Sunday School teacher, and head of our Christian Education group, and Mae.
There's a story, questions, bible verses, prayer, and even fun activities, like coloring and crafts. There is alternatively a separate lesson for the teenagers. That way there's fun for all ages.
Every summer we have a one-week long program near the end of the season known as "VBS".
Kids can learn, have fun, and meet other kids!
This year was our first VBS in a long time and we had 13 kids!
We give a big welcome to our new interim pastor, Rev. Dr. Lillian Buckley and Chet to our First Baptist family.
Once a month we all gather at the church on Sunday night to sing hymns together, taking turns picking our favorites and having fun.
Next Hymn Sing is January 26th at 6 pm.
Most Sundays after church we all stick around to drink coffee, or other refreshments, and eat snacks while we all catch up on the week.
People in our church family, take turns providing the snacks and refreshments so we can continue to have our coffee hour and moment of fellowship.
Our Worship Team, formally known as our choir, meets on Thursdays at 1 pm, to practice the coming Sundays music. Led by our keyboardists Margaret Emery and Maggie Houlihan.
Anyone and everyone is welcome to join. We would love to hear your voice!
Our annual "Soup"er Bowl Sunday will be February 9th. There will be a sign-up sheet as we get closer looking for soups to share. This is an annual fundraiser for the Food Cupboard.
Whether you're looking to lose weight or just be the healthiest version of you we encourage you to join our healthy eating group led by Paula Wade on Tuesdays at 2 p.m.
AA meets every Monday at 6 p.m. with a special reading held at 5 p.m. before the meeting.
NA meets every Thursday evening at 6 p.m. also following a special reading at 5 p.m.
Missions we proudly support include, Kit Ripley (a missionary), Christian Education, Samaritan's Purse (Providing emergency aid to victims of floods, tornadoes, & hurricanes), Retired Ministers, and the One Great Hour of Sharing (Supports disaster relief, ministries to displaced persons, & development projects of ABC.)
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